Come along to the February meeting of the STP at the Invercarron Resource Centre at 7pm, Tuesday 25th. Help support the town and 
contribute ideas for projects. The agenda can be downloaded by clicking on the date on the calendar on the left of this page.
The first public meeting of the STP will be held at 7pm on Tuesday 28th January at the Invercarron Resource Centre. All Welcome.

The annual STP AGM will be held at 7pm Tuesday 26th November
at the Invercarron Resource centre. It's open to the public so please
come along, hear a summary of the past year's achievements and 
air your views and ideas for the future.

The 2019 AGM agenda can be downloaded here: 2019 Agendas
CANCELLED - due to holidays there is a lack of trustees to meet on Tuesday. Apologies for any inconvenience.

The next STP meeting will be on Tuesday 24th September at 7pm at the Invercarron Resource Centre, Stonehaven.
The agenda can be found in the calendar link here:  2019 Agendas
The first STP meeting after the summer break is on Tuesday 27th August.
All welcome.
The agenda can be downloaded here: files/STP_Agenda_27th_August_2019.pdf

On Saturday 1st June the STP manned a stall at Stonehaven's annual Feein' Market to promote the current projects. There was a display of drawings of the refurbished Sherrif Court Building which is now fully let and is a great achievement by the team. We were also promoting a project to update a part of the Board Walk by asking people to sponsor a purchase of one of the planks (visible in the picture). The area in question is the seating space behind the dolphin sculpture and over £500 was raised. We hope to progress this work as soon as possible.


The Court Building renovations are progressing well. The work has been completed on the 1st floor and the ground floor work commenced earlier  this month (January 2019). Lease agreements are being finalised
with tennants and it is anticipated that entry to the workspaces will be starting in early spring.

More details can be found in the Stonehaven Court Building Redevelopment (Public Project Area) link
At the recent 2018 AGM, the minutes from the previous year were approved by the trustees and are now available to download. They are attached to this news article as a pdf.
FileFile size
Download this file (Minutes of STP AGM 28th November 2017_Ver 1.pdf)2017 AGM Minutes143 kB
The STP AGM will be held on Tuesday 27th November in the Invercarron Resource Centre at 7pm. This is a public meeting and all are welcome to attend. The agenda can be downloaded from the link below.
FileFile size
Download this file (STP_AGM_AGENDA_2018.pdf)AGM Agenda6 kB
Please can you help us?
Stonehaven Town Partnerships Project has been accepted as a project for people to vote for to get a grant of up to £25,000 in Aviva’s Community Fund. We need as many people as possible to vote for the project to be in with a chance of getting an award. The details of how to log in and vote can be found here:
Please can you put these details on your facebook page if you have one, and ask your members to vote for us?

Voting opened on 24 October 2017, please start sharing our project with as many friends, family and community supporters as possible to get their votes. The projects with the most votes will become finalists.

Anyone who lives in the UK and registers on the Aviva Community Fund website can vote for projects between 24 October and 21 November. You don’t have to have submitted a project to vote. Everyone has 10 votes!

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Copyright © 2012-2025 Stonehaven Town Partnership. All rights reserved. A Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation SCIO Number: SC044314. Registered Office: Stonehaven Town Partnership, Sheriff Court Building, Dunnottar Avenue, Stonehaven, AB392JD
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